About Us

Mission Statement

The Non Profit Navigator strengthens the ability of non profit organizations to achieve unexpected results.

Corporate Overview

George Yacoubian
George Yacoubian

I have a Master’s Degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice, a Ph.D. in Criminal Justice Management, a J.D. from the Rutgers University School of Law, an LL.M. in Transnational Law from the Temple University School of Law, and S.J.D. from the Suffolk University School of Law. I am a former Assistant District Attorney in Philadelphia, PA, and am currently in private practice, specializing in criminal defense and international criminal defense law.  I am licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania and New Jersey and have authored more than 120 articles on drug epidemiology, drug testing technology, and international criminal law.  My works have appeared in: Addiction Research and Theory; Alternate Routes; American Journal on Addictions; Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine; Contemporary Drug Problems; Crime, Law and Social Change; Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy; Federal Probation; Genocide Prevention Journal; Health and Social Work; High Court Quarterly Review; International Criminal Justice Review; International Journal of Comparative Criminology; International Journal of Drug Testing; International Legal Theory; Journal of Addictions and Offender Counseling; Journal of Adolescent Health; Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education; Journal of Construction Engineering and Management; Journal of Crime and Justice; Journal of Criminal Justice; Journal of Drug Education; Journal of Drug Issues; Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse; Journal of Gang Research; Journal of Juvenile Law; Journal of Migration and Refugee Issues; Journal of Offender Monitoring; Journal of Psychoactive Drugs; Journal of School Nursing; Journal for the Study of Peace and Conflict; Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment; Justice Policy Journal;Letters in Drug Design and Discovery; Loyola of Chicago University International Law Review; Offender Substance Abuse Report; Probation Journal; Substance Use and Misuse; Western Criminology Review; War Crimes, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity: An International Journal; World Affairs, and World Bulletin.

My legal and non-profit experience spans two decades, most recently and most comprehensively as the Founder of the Society for Orphaned Armenian Relief (SOAR) (www.soar-us.org), a 501(c)(3) organization that provides humanitarian relief to orphaned Armenian children living in Armenia, Artsakh, Javakh, and Lebanon. I have served as the Executive Board Chairman since SOAR’s inception. While our Executive Board is based in Philadelphia, SOAR has 140 Chapters worldwide and provides humanitarian relief to 35 Armenian childcare institutions around the world. 

In our inaugural year, we distributed approximately $60,000 to our target population. Since 2015, our distributions have exceeded $1M annually. Let me help you build your non-profit organization the way I have built SOAR!  You can reach me most expeditiously at gyacoubian@nonprofitnavigator.net or 610.213.3452.

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