Grant Administration and Grant Writing

Building your grant seeking and grant writing skills is the best way to secure funding for your organization. The keys to finding grant funding opportunities and writing award-winning grant proposals are knowing where to find opportunities and understanding what funders want to read. In terms of your professional development as a grant writer, it also helps to know that core measure of success: your win rate.

I have two decades of experience in grant writing, in both the academic and non-profit environments, and have extensive writing experience, authoring more than 150 peer-reviewed articles in law review and social periodicals.    In our first meeting, we will review the key components of effective educational grant proposals, recognize the difference between effective and ineffective grant proposals, identify strategies that contribute to the development and submission of well written grant proposals, and discuss what grant proposal reviewers are looking for.  There are funding opportunities out there – finding them is the first step, writing a winning submission the next step.  Let my experience in both of these areas work for you!grant3

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